To Do. (in no particular order)
1. Buy travellers cheques
2. advise bank that I am leaving country
3. photocopy documents, scan documents so I have access through email
4. cut keys for cat visitors
5. Pack
I started writing the list and realized, why am I writing a list when I could just be doing some of the things. Who knew that procrastination is not always the most effective route. hmmmm.
So I called RBC and sorted out some stuff with debit & credit cards etc. Then I went to the bank and bought my traveller's cheques. Judy called me from India last night - more on that later - and said that she was having a hard time with the ATMs over there and that she basically is without cash. She recommended that I bring traveller's cheques as a back up in case I have trouble too.
I ended my productive day by getting keys cut and picking up my anti malarial medication from the Pharmacy and buying a few items suggested by Lea and Alisma. When I got home, I started packing. I made up a first aid kit (I bought a new bag for it.) It is so big it is ridiculous. I have everything in there. I could save a village with that bag. I also made up a little laundry pouch with laundry line, soap and sink plug. My bathroom bag is started, I am getting my clothes together. I even brought out my backpack. Unfortunately, I can't put anything in it yet.
A place to sleep or a desperate attempt to come with
So I am finally feeling less panicky. I searched out most of the stuff I want to bring, even if it isn't in the bag yet. (Although, I cannot for the life of me, find my outlet converter. Apparently, India is on 220 volt so I will have to look into that too.)
BTW, I just took my Dukoral booster dose and it is just as disgusting as it was last time. Judy was praising it though since she hasn't had any 'issues' so I guess I won't complain too much. I can still taste it though, yuk. And to add insult to injury, it is mixed with some sort of bicarbonate which makes the taste come back for several encores - if you know what I mean.
I love how every single time I come to your blog, the weather in Bangalore is EXACTLY the same. 22. Haze.